
A really fantastic blog about novel writing!

Official Blog of Allen G. Bagby


It’s always on my mind: When I first started writing this saga three years ago, I didn’t have huge chunks of time to make bad choices and mistakes to speed up the learning curve. If the love for telling a compelling story had been absent or fake, I would’ve never made the progress or learned the hard lessons of merely writing and structuring a story. The muse is always with me. It’s like running into a brick wall. Bludgeoning yourself against it until there’s a crack, is lunacy if you don’t carry a vision in your heart…at all times. It’s more than that simple counterfeit for inspiration: mood. It’s a routine, often boring and tiresome routine. It’s a “I gotta do this no matter what” attitude. In reality, that is how you keep the dream alive, looking for kindling and stoking the fire with routine. You…

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